
Showing posts from September, 2017

Alabama county officials paid as much as $50K in ransom to hackers for stolen data

Deloitte Gets Hacked: What We Know So Far

Jeff John Roberts 6:17 PM ET A bombshell report on Monday revealed that Deloitte was hit by a major cyber attack that compromised its email system and certain client records. The news is a major black eye for one of the world's "big four" accountancy and consulting firms—especially since a major part of Deloitte's business is selling cyber security. The full extent of the hacking episode isn't clear, but details are beginning to trickle out, including from Brian Krebs, a well-respected security journalist who says he has heard from sources close to the Deloitte. Here's a Q&A about we know and don't know about the latest high profile security attack. What did the hackers steal? The initial report of the Deloitte breach came from the Guardian, which revealed hackers had compromised the "confidential emails and plans of some of its blue-chip clients." In response, the firm confirmed it had suffered a cyber-attack, but played down the significan...